The 2009 cartoon titled "Illegal Immigration" shows undocumented workers swarming the Statue of Liberty. This gives the impression that undocumented workers are swarming into the United States at a steady and alarming rate. However, according to a September 2010 article on MSNBC by Hope Yen, in the year 2009, there were almost one million less undocumented workers living in the United States than in 2007. This was an 8% drop and a 4 year low.
The cartoon titled Bolstering the Border COLOR, was published in 2010 by Nate Beeler from the Washington Examiner. This cartoon is the free men speaking out against Obama's immigration policies as a "do nothing" administration. The truth is that Obama's administration has done a lot to help the immigration problem that has been going on for several years. According to the Barack Obama website, it says, "The President and his administration have provided the technical assistance to develop key elements of a bipartisan immigration bill and have taken important steps to make interior enforcement smart, more effective, and reflective of our values." The administration has done a lot to help this problem such as: eliminate the FBI backlog of background checks for legal immigration applications, and have even launched a new website that allows legal immigrants to check the status of their applications online and via text messages for the first time ever. According to the website, in the first month alone, three million people registered to receive text message updates on their applications. In actuality, Obama and his administration have both done a lot to help the immigration policy.